Daily Habits You Can Implement in Your Life!

I know you have all heard that mindset is half the battle when you are trying to live a healthy life. It goes so far beyond that. Our mindset, our habits and what we fill our bodies and brains with is truly what forms us as a person. We can have a positive outlook or a negative one. We can wake up feeling refreshed or we can hit snooze 5 times and dread getting out of bed. We can instill joy and excitement into our children’s daily lives or we can feel burnt out, going through the motions without seeing the beauty in each day. I know I am going deep here, but life is to be lived, and when we aren’t taking care of ourselves, we can’t fully enjoy all that lies ahead each day. Read my blog about mindset, if you want to dive even deeper there!

This month we are doing a challenge in the FASTer Way called Empower 45, focusing on daily habits to elevate your mindset, deepen your connections with loved ones, and upgrade your daily routine with simple yet impactful habits. Life is so busy and pausing to intentionally to practice daily habits will help you to be more present, and to build routine in to your life when you feel like you are just going through the motions. The awesome thing about this challenge is that you can start it at any time. Just begin, and continue for 45 days! Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day, or don’t get all 4 things checked off your list every day.

benefits of water

These 4 steps are small things you can add to your daily life that will yield big results if you are consistent. Can you commit to starting today, when you read this? I always like to envision the changes I will see after I commit to something new for a set period of time. Will you FEEL better? Will you have less anxiety about the day to day because you are being intentional with your time and health? Will you be PROUD of yourself because you committed to a new plan and you saw it all the way through? Grab a notebook, or a planner, or the notes section on your phone, and keep track of the next 45 days. Hold yourself accountable, grab a partner to elevate your life together!

The FASTer Way has changed my life and the lives of the thousands of women ( and men!) I have coached. If you are looking for a change, wanting to feel better, and to join a part of a very special community I call family, I would love to have to join my next round. We start Monday!

Nicki Entenmann