Let's Not Wait Until January 1st!

One of my favorite parts about being a FASTer Way coach is the bond and community in my VIP family. As we approach the end of the year, I have been talking with my VIP clients quite a bit about not waiting until the first of the year to get serious about committing to their health and wellness goals again. Did you know that the average person gains 8 pounds over the holiday season? I don’t want that for any of my clients, and I am sure you don’t want that either!

So many of us, myself included, decide that we are going to throw in the towel in November and December. Maybe you feel like it’s not worth the effort to stay consistent when there are so many holiday parties, events and gatherings. But if you think about it, even if you have 10 days where you have parties and events over the next two months, there are still 51 days where you can stick to your goals.

That means that you are still making progress and making healthy choices 83 percent of the time!! Why would we throw away 61 days to just wait until January 1st to recommit to our goals?! We wouldn’t!!!

We are all about progress over perfection in the FASTer Way. I want you to enjoy holiday parties with family and friends. I want you to say yes to a piece of your Aunt Sharon’s famous apple pie. We work together to make consistent healthy choices, so 20% of the time we can enjoy without guilt or regret! We are committing to getting back to the basics in my VIP, so if you are a previous FW client, you can join us! We will have new trainings, a new Facebook group, and a renewed commitment to the next 6 weeks and beyond!

If you haven’t been a client of the FASTer Way yet, you can join the program this month too, instead of waiting for JANUARY! What if you started the year feeling your best, instead of feeling like shit, rundown and exhausted?! I know that sounds better to me!

If you are a current client of mine, I give you a weekly meal plan full of easy, family friendly recipes every week. 7 days a week, 3 meals a day, and snacks - I have got you covered! Here is an example of what my clients receive every week….

If you aren’t a client, you can have these meal plans too! I offer a monthly subscription and it sends you weekly meal plans for just $12 a month!

My goal is to come into January 2023 already feeling good and ready to continue the progress I’m making towards my goals! I would love that for you too. If you aren’t up for joining my FASTer Way family yet, you can still make changes on your own! Work on eating cleaner foods, moving your body and taking some time during the day to work on your mindset. Let’s make 2023 the year we CRUSH our goals! XO

Nicki Entenmann