Busy Moms' Guide to Glute Gains and Leg Toning in Just One Year

Ditch the Scale: A New Approach to Measuring Fitness

First up, let's talk body composition vs. scale weight. The scale can mess with your head and isn't the best measure of fitness progress. Before my transformation journey, I weighed almost the same as I do now. Yes, you heard that right! I'm a size 8, 5'4", and weigh around 150-155 pounds. What has changed, though, is my body composition. The real measure of your health and fitness is how you feel and how your clothes fit, not some arbitrary number.

Weightlifting: The Key to Glute Gains and Leg Toning

So, how did I get from 'Mom Bod' to 'Glute Goddess'? The secret sauce is weightlifting. Specifically, I focus on my legs and glutes twice a week. When I hit the gym, my goal is to do sets with the maximum amount of reps between 6 and 8. And when that starts feeling easy? Time to level up, girlfriend! I increase the weight so I can get back to that 6-8 rep range. You've got to keep challenging those muscles if you want them to grow.

Protein-Rich Diet: The Building Blocks of Muscle

As a busy mom, I know how tempting it is to grab the quickest and easiest thing to eat. But, let me tell you, a poor diet can entirely derail your fitness goals. A whopping 80% of fat loss or muscle building is influenced by what you eat. So, focus on a protein-rich diet to not only build muscle but also maintain the muscle you've worked so hard to gain.

Cardio for Moms: HIIT and Endurance Training

I'll be the first to admit it; I don't love cardio. But if you're committed to getting those gains and toning those legs, some cardio is necessary. My routine includes one or two days of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and two days of endurance training. It's the perfect balance for keeping me lean while building muscle.

Consistency is Key

The most crucial tip I can give you is to be consistent and patient. Transformations don’t happen overnight. My most significant progress came when I committed to my fitness goals for an entire year. Yes, it took time and a whole lot of patience, but it was absolutely worth it.

If you are looking for guidance on how to implement a nutrition plan into your daily routine, or want effective workouts to take your fitness journey to the next level I have just what you need. The FASTer Way has changed my relationship with food and I’d love to share it with you!! Click below to learn more!