Dairy, Gluten, and Bloating, Too? Who Knew?

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So many are quick to jump on restriction diets (Keto crew, I’m talking to you), but why are we overlooking dairy and gluten?

You want a flatter tummy so you do 1,000 crunch challenges and deprive yourself of calories, but overlook the root of the problem… Feel attacked? Don’t worry, I was once there never thinking that a few of the extra inches around my waist was actually just bloat or inflammation.

My clients are noticing in just a few weeks what it feels like to wake up without joint pain, digestive issues, and even clearer skin!

While we promote a dairy-free and gluten-free lifestyle in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we also understand that not everyone reacts to these products the same. I’m not saying you have celiac so slow your role. And we don’t all wake up bloated or with digestion troubles. But what we do know is that they tend to cause an inflammatory reaction for MANY which leads to so many uncomfortable issues that we choose to live with daily. 

Feeling like crap is a choice, people! And sometimes tacos are margaritas are, too!

Through the 6 week program, you are highly encouraged to remove both dairy and gluten items from your eating patterns, however, is it required? Nope, because you are an adult and are open to making choices for what you feed your body. However, ask yourself these questions below and consider removing both, or either, from your diet to see if you notice a difference!

Do you have...

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Joint pain

  • Sinus issues

  • Constipation

  • Acne

  • Migraines

  • Brain fog

  • Bloating

To dig deeper, gluten sensitivity can also be directly connected to lactose intolerance, or an inability to break down a sugar called lactose that’s found in milk and other dairy products. If you know you have trouble digesting dairy but haven’t considered the removal of gluten AND have other symptoms on the list, it might be time to consider it.

Here’s the deal. Torture will never be the name of the game with my clients. And I wouldn’t preach it unless I practice it. Retraining our brains and habits isn’t easy. But I promise the benefits outweigh the list above!

Not ready to take the leap? Don’t! I want you to be in control of your eating choices on your terms! Consider removing it slowly. With so many affordable, great-tasting, healthy gluten and dairy replacement options on the market, I urge you to try them!

After a week or two of removal, incorporate selected items back into your day. See how you feel! I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t indulge in a brownie, cheese, or pizza, but the joy is that I know what food choices to make when I want to feel my best. And I know how to navigate that daily. Don’t you what that same control over your food, your confidence, and your body so you can truly thrive?

Not sure what swaps to make or where to start? Join me in my next 6 week round where I’ll equip you with weekly meal plans that you can choose from (shopping lists, too!) and share all my day-to-day favs, that are even kid and hubby approved! Holla at your girl, we start soon!