How "Bad Mom" Moments Make Me a Better Mom

Life is not meant to merely be lived, but to be lived fully. We NEED connections. Think about how much better you feel when you share a “bad mom” moment or quirk with a friend or co-worker and find that they can relate to you.

You might say or think “maybe I’m not so crazy after all!”. That feeling of connection is magnified when we open up about deeper things. Shared feelings, truths, and experiences during motherhood can give us hope and encouragement to keep moving forward, to take the next step despite the chaos, or to just feel more comfortable in this journey.

I love to hear from other moms that are going through their challenges and bliss of motherhood... as all of our stories are unique and important. I want this to be a space where we can all come together. to feel understood. To be encouraged and loved. Where we all have a virtual mommy playdate while whispering cuss words simultaneously under our breath. Because mommin takes a village, and we are better when we stick together. 

I am a wife and a mom of Irish Twins, Paisley who is 5, and Jack who is 4 years old (yes, they are 13 months apart, so it feels like I’ve been wiping asses the majority of my adult life), and Brooks who is almost 1! 

I was born and raised in a tiny farm town in Montana, where there are probably more people at your local grocery store than in my entire hometown. I received my college degrees in Montana, then packed up 2 days after graduating college to head the big city of Denver in hopes of the CEO title and marrying the man in the suit you bump into on the work elevator.  Which I really nailed... I ended up marrying a guy I use to do beer bongs with in college, quit my corporate America after having two babies back-to-back years, to do a much more challenging job of raising babies at home! (Best & hardest job in the world!)

It truly was because of the community I have gained over the last few years, that I found clarity in what my passion was in life. I think for most of us, life is one big juggling act and I’m on a mission to help other women feel that they are enough, that they are not alone in this dog-eat-dog toddler world. None of us have it all figured out, and that is the beauty of motherhood. We’re all good at different things, we lift each other up in different ways.

I try to always give an inside look into my real life through social media, but I hope to utilize this space to elaborate on shit we don’t talk about during motherhood, to learn together, to share our stories, and drink lukewarm coffee together while doing the same mundane tasks over and over. This is a space for all of you and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.