Simple, Meal Prep

Here’s the truthhhhh.... I have a love/hate relationship with meal prepping. Even as a fitness coach. But trust me, it’s critical for my goals and sanity during a busy week. Luckily for you, I’ve got my best tips and tricks coming at ya.

Simple, meal prep best practices:

  • Have a plan. Take the time to create a simple meal plan and create a shopping list accordingly. (My clients love that I provide them with weekly time-savers like these!)

  • Make sure you have enough containers on hand to store your meals for the week.

  • Glass containers are a great option so you can take them right from the refrigerator to the microwave to reheat.

  • Wash (if needed), chop, and measure all your ingredients before you start (this is a HUGE time saver!). 

  • MEAT PREP! Prepare a large batch of a protein of your choice at the beginning of the week and use as needed. Try chicken breast, ground turkey, or lean ground beef. Season as desired, cook, and store in the fridge for 4-5 days. Use cooked meat in a variety of dishes throughout the week!

  • Cook up a big pot of brown rice to keep on hand and use as needed. Items like these will be great to buy in bulk. 

Don’t be afraid to cut corners (like buying bagged, chopped or frozen) to reduce stress. Weekly meal planning does not have to be complicated! Here are some samples of a weekly plan for my family. (Be sure to tune into my IGTV, as I also share what I’m eating (clients, too!) throughout the week for more ideas!)

For low carb days, I will:

  • Cook bacon in the air fryer to eat with my break-fast meal and throw on salads. 

  • Add avocados, eggs, bulletproof coffee to increase those fats. 

  • Bagged salads - throw out the dressing (loaded with sugars- choose dressings like Tessemae & Primal Kitchen) and add either grilled chicken breasts or rotisserie chicken shredded! Lettuce wraps are also a great staple to add to your shopping list.

  • Deli meat, EPIC bars, raw nuts, jerky, and coconut clusters for snacks.

  • Dinners I will do a family favorite with Egg Roll in a Bowl and Burger Bowl/burger and no bun over all the toppings! A family favorite like taco night is easily adaptable, too. I’ll have my taco toppings over bagged salad!

For regular macro days, I will:

  • Overnight oats with fruit is a carb packed meal for a break-fast meal.

  • For lunch, I’ll use leftovers from early in the week and do a burger over lettuce but add sweet potatoes and quinoa to up the carbs!

  • Quick and easy snacks are going to be your best option, especially on the go. Choose simple items on hand like GoMacro bars, veggies with hummus, EPIC bars, dried fruit, veggie chips, and deli meat. 

  • You can chop and keep veggies in a convenient container to pull out for you or the kiddos. Take ‘em in the car, set ‘em on the counter after school. Fruits, too!

  • For dinners, I’ll typically do family favorites like instant pot chicken fried rice, ground turkey tacos, and ground turkey with Rao’s with Banza Gluten-Free noodles. Leftovers will save you in a bind the next day!

  • For any meal that you need to pull together, make macro balanced plates with what you have on hand. Start with your protein then add in some leafy greens for fiber, then choose a simple carb and healthy fat. 

Added tip! Need to get the kiddos eating more fruits and veggies, but sick of begging? Let them walk the produce department and choose a few of each. Let them pick their favorites, or maybe even a fun new one to try. Smells, colors, and textures will be in your favor! Encourage them to even bag or weigh them to get them excited about whole foods and trying new things. Once they are a little older they can even help with the washing and chopping for their lunches. I promise they will sneak a few extra bites in. 

Keep a journal, note, or saved space where you compile and organize recipes and meals that work for you and your family. That way you feel more prepared when it comes to weekly meal planning, but don’t be afraid to switch it up!

If you find yourself feeling lost on what to eat, join me in my next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. All of my clients are equipped with a weekly meal plan (vegan and regular) with shopping lists included, all at the click of a button in our convenient app. We also have a full recipe library!