Measuring Success

Does this sound familiar??  Have you tried every fad diet on the market to fit into that little black dress, bikini, or even our wedding gown? Same girl,  that was me. A slave to the keto lifestyle for 6 years, depriving myself of fruit, carbs and food freedom.

I measured my success on the way I’d look that day, not how I felt. Happy, yes! I was marrying my love. But was I healthy? Or did I even have the energy to take on that ever-lasting day? That’s a HELL NO.

Imagine, one thousand calories a day of canned cheese and meat. What a life, people. What a life… Outside of hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, body dysmorphia, and even constipation (you heard me...) I looked pretty damn good walking down the aisle. But hear me when I say, I was NOT healthy. Not mentally, physically, or emotionally.

REMINDER: skinny does not equal healthy.

Any “diet” where you are restricted on the foods you love, and more importantly, depriving your body of an entire food group, is NOT SUSTAINABLE and is NOT HEALTHY.  

I was not living.

If you aren’t familiar, macros are the "large" macronutrients that make up all the food we eat. There are three macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. 

Furthermore, fad diets have restricted our caloric intake which comes from our macros. Consuming your specific macronutrient targets ensures you are getting all the nutrients your body needs, fiber included. Calorie and macrorestriction diets such as keto can have short-term results, but in the long term results in metabolism damage, muscle decrease, brain fog, and low energy. And didn’t I already mention, constipation 24/7?

I was determining my success on looking skinny, staying under an unhealthy calorie count based on only two macros, and the damn number on a scale. A scale in which does not determine the state of your body function or composition.

Fast forward to today. I AM happy and I AM healthy.

My clients are happy AND healthy. Together we are thriving through a sustainable lifestyle where we eat more foods than ever imagined, and we have the energy to chase after our kids and I are no longer determining our success by a number.

When you join me in a 6 week round to food freedom and strategies that actually work, I want you to get out 3 things.

1) That dreaded SCALE
2) A measuring tape
3) A journal

We are going to plan out your goals while incorporating whole food nutritional strategies (CARBS included) and we are going to watch the inches drop through the FASTer Way program. Screw the number.

I’m not making you walk this journey alone, boo. Want to gain muscle? I’ve got you, too!

And the scale? I want you to crush it. Literally, throw it out of your house and out of your mind. Hopping on the scale often leads to obsessive behavior AND an inaccurate representation of your progress throughout your health and fitness journey. This is not the life you deserve. This was not the life I deserved. I’m going to show you what it’s like to feel and look your best without restriction, without deprivation, and without mental roadblocks that hold us back. It’s attainable, you just need guidance and someone to give you the blueprint. And girl, I’m gonna deliver because I want this life for you!

I’m not looking back.

You can download my FREE guide BELOW to find out more: