My Faster Way Story

Through every fad diet, I was waiting for the perfect body to truly live.

I had spent most of my life yo-yo dieting, restricting, and starving. My weight and body image were holding me back and I didn’t even realize it. We never do. I was so caught up in the number, in the mirror, and how I thought I needed to look in order to be happy. Looking back, I realized the unhealthy image I had of myself was stealing moments from happiness, from events, from photos, from intimacy, and from the full joy of being a mother. It wasn’t until I had my second baby that I needed more for myself and more for my kids. 

I wanted freedom.

I wanted to be a role model.

I wanted to live a life I LOVED and knew I couldn't pour from an empty cup. This was the life that I knew I deserved but didn’t know how to get. The life that I know we all deserve, but I was truly struggling with not punishing myself for having the wine, the pizza, or the cake on my birthday. 

The battle in the mirror can be challenging. The battle in our heads is tough. It’s disturbing that as strong, bold, and resilient women, we miss out on things that we’d hope our children would never skip. The laughs, the experiences, and the moments. All because we don’t or look our best, or look like someone else. 

I was done. I was tired of searching for the newest trend, killing myself with cardio, and depriving myself of… LIFE. I was ready for more. I deserved more. My husband deserved more, and so did my babies.


I became a client of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss in the fall of 2018 and I had finally found the solution to my heartache. A science-based approach to nutrition and longevity. Three babies and three years later, I have food and scale freedom, make memories without guilt, and a life I truly love.

We dance to the best music, we eat the Lord’s food (Chick-fil-a!), we laugh at the best moments, and we embrace our struggles as they come. The road to a healthy life is not effortless, but it is attainable. It doesn’t look the same for everyone, but it doesn’t have to feel like a daily war with yourself or body!

Through food, through rest, through movement, through showing MY body love, I’m now living. Imagine that. I used to live life with negative thoughts, shame, deprivation, and now I’m eating more, fueling my body with nutritious food, feeling my best, and teaching my clients (and babies!) how to do the same. I’ve gained so much more than I have lost. Confidence, energy, a community of like-minded women (men, too!), and the strength to keep living this sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

How do you want to live your life? Do you know the difference of looking good and feeling well? Do you want your kids to live the same battle as you missing the moments at the pool, the too many drinks with your girls, or the toast on your anniversary? The constant self-doubt and stress? We have to give them more. We have to be more. We have to pour from a full glass. You are worth more. I was worth more.

I am one healthy mo fo mentally, physically, and emotionally. Finally! And I’m pep talking all my babes up. I’m going all in. Guiding through health, talking trauma, and motivating you one day at a time.