Macros For The Win

Have you heard the chatter about eating enough of the right things, at the right times, for the right reasons? This nutritional strategy has helped me wake up with more energy, turned my body into a pro fat burner, and changed my overall body composition. Hear me out! It’s a flexible lifestyle that leads to so many more benefits like improved moods, disease prevention, and better overall health! 

I introduce you to….MACROS!

Macronutrients aka Macros are the basic building blocks of our diet, and we benefit from eating them in certain amounts. There are three macronutrients: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. For optimal health and body function, we need all three! While it's important to consider caloric intake (meaning you are eating enough!), it's important to move past counting calories alone. I count macros instead! Not all calories are created equal because they are not metabolized by the body in the same way. 

Let’s chat “Fats” (the good kind!)

For a long time, fat has been criticized in the health and fitness industry. However, fat itself will not make you fat. In fact, healthy fats, as part of a clean diet, will support your metabolism, cell signaling, immunity, hormone production, and can improve your mood, body composition, and cardiovascular health. 

Fats are necessary for your body to function well. However, it is important to note, that because fats are high in caloric value, you need to pay attention to how much fat you are consuming even if the fats you are eating are, in fact, healthy fats. 

Proteins (Not just meat!)

Protein is absolutely critical to changing your body composition. Protein consumption aids your body in replacing worn-out cells and muscle repair AND helps your body produce more glucagon, which aids your body in burning fat. Protein also has significant effects on your hormone levels, immune system, and overall brain function. Without sufficient protein, you aren’t giving your body what it needs to repair and build your muscles, both of which improve your metabolism and aid in fat burning.  

Do I dare say it? CARBS! 

Carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates, are incredibly important to fuel your workouts, increasing your energy levels, and triggering the release of insulin. This is why we practice carb cycling. Consuming carbs at the right time will teach your body to reach into your fat stores for energy during and after a workout. Understanding when to consume carbs is a critical piece of becoming a fat burner versus a sugar burner.

Eating the right proportions of macros will:

  • ensure you keep your hormones happy

  • ensure you're getting enough protein to support fat loss and lean muscle gain

  • ensure you're eating enough to fuel challenging activity

  • encourages long term consistency to see change

Being intuitive about meeting your macro goals is truly a key part of the FASTer Way program and how I help my clients meet their personal goals. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and each of my clients has specific macro needs based on their body, health, and goals. Whole foods are always going to fit these macro needs best. Other options, like french fries or ice cream, may “fit” but aren’t nutrient-dense. Micronutrients are also key in full-body wellness and disease prevention, too! Meeting your macro goals with whole foods will have you feeling fuller, have clearer skin, and feeling your absolute best. They are full of flavor, too! But don’t worry, we leave room for some extra treats along the way! The days of calorie counting and deprivation are long gone, and I encourage you to shift your focus to macros instead!

If you are curious about the how and want to know more about the why behind macros, I invite you to join me for 6 weeks where we’ll assess your journey, your needs, and your goals to have you truly living your best life! I’ll equip you with science-backed guidance, workouts, meal guides, customized macros, daily accountability, and a one-touch app for your success! How will you feel after just 6 weeks of meeting your macro goals?