My FASTer Way Story

My FASTer Way Story

The beginning of my journey may not be very different from yours. I had spent most of my life yo-yo dieting, restricting, and starving. My obsession with my weight and body image was holding me back and I didn’t even realize it. I was so caught up in the number on the scale, in the reflection in the mirror, and how I thought I needed to look in order to be happy. Does this feel familiar to you? Looking back, I realized the unhealthy image I had of myself was stealing moments from my life.

It was stealing moments from happiness, from events, from photos, from intimacy, and from the full joy of being a mother. It wasn’t until I had my second baby that I needed more for myself and more for my kids. 

I wanted to live a life I LOVED and knew I couldn't pour from an empty cup. There was a version of life that I knew I deserved but didn’t know how to get. I was truly struggling with not punishing myself for having the wine, the pizza, or the cake on my birthday. You better believe if I did have those things, I spent two hours in the gym the next day trying to “burn them off”. I was so tired of the yo-yo cycle and not truly LIVING my life. 

I wanted more. I wanted a life full of joy. I wanted to be a role model for my children and a loving wife to my husband. I wanted to stop thinking about food, my long workouts at the gym, and If i looked good enough in my jeans. The way I was living was holding me back from the life I knew I deserved, but I couldn’t figure out how to get there on my own.

In the Fall of 2018 I became a client of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and I finally found the solution to my heartache. A science-based approach to nutrition and longevity. I now have food and scale freedom, make memories without guilt, and live a life I truly love. I shared my full story in the video below.


I want this for YOU. I want this for everyONE. My passion lies in helping thousands of women just like you feel better. It is a gift to help others find food freedom, self confidence, energy and so much more! If you are curious about how I finally found the lifestyle I will live for the rest of my life, click the button below! It is truly life changing, and I want you to join me.

XO, Nicki