Your Food Label is Lying to You
Sometimes it feels like reading a nutrition label requires some sort of science degree. Not gonna lie, buzz words used to sell me every dang time. I’d see “Sugar-Free”, “Low Carb”, “Organic”, or even the word “Healthy” and throw it in the basket and call it a day.
Fun fact: “SUGAR-FREE” can actually translate to “chemical-shit-storm”. I kid you not, look it up ;)
Unfortunately, nutrition labels aren’t always as transparent as they could be. Marketing plays a huge part in the way we look at healthy foods. Simple phrases like “fruit-flavored” and “whole grains” are misleading even though they make us feel like rock-star parents before school. The truth is unless it is derived from minimal whole food ingredients, it probably isn’t benefiting our bodies much. Think toxins, GMO’s, chemicals/preservatives, hidden sugars, trans fats, artificial colors, and flavorings.
Here are a few tips that help me navigate the store!
Try to avoid packaged foods! Instead, stick to whole foods. Technically speaking, whole foods are foods that are not processed at all or are processed minimally. In the FASTer Way, I teach my clients that if it comes from the ground, or has a mother, it’s good to go!
Shop the outer edge/perimeter of the store which is typically where you’ll find mostly freshest foods, including produce and meat. These foods will have minimal ingredients on their labels if any! The inner aisles are typically stocked with processed and preservative food items which are meant to make them last longer on the shelves.
Brief the label in those center aisles if you do decide to venture there. Look for items on the label that don’t list a million different unpronounceable ingredients. Typically, this means it’s highly modified. Anything over ten ingredients is usually a deal-breaker.
Scan the first three ingredients, as they make up the largest part of what you’re eating. Choose options that list whole foods as those top three ingredients when deciding upon those items.
Be mindful of serving sizes. These are usually much smaller than what we typically eat in a single meal, and are flat out unrealistic!
Take a look at your shopping cart and ask yourself if it looks like it has colors of the rainbow. And I don’t mean cookies. Vitamins and minerals are expressed through colors in produce and should be a staple in every meal!
When in doubt, remember that whole food options typically do not have a label! Stick to those wherever possible!
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I’ll teach you how to make the most out of what you consume to fit your goals through DAILY coaching!