Staying Motivated Daily

How do I stay motivated all the time to live and thrive through a healthy lifestyle?

I don’t. 

You know your girl isn’t gonna lie to ya!

I wish I could say that every day I wake up motivated to work out and eat the freshest food. Truth is, I want to stay in bed some days. I want to avoid actually putting my workout clothes to use. And I want to crack a bottle of wine at just the thought of meal prepping. Pizza in containers counts as meal prep right? 😉

Even as a health and fitness coach, I’m never going to pretend that there aren’t hard days for any path that you are on. Motivation truly is a rollercoaster. The desire to keep pushing is equally frustrating for beginners as someone who has been in the fitness game for years if you aren’t making intentional choices to move forward.

So what do I do? I stay CONSISTENT. What I’ve learned is, you make the most progress by throwing out the thought that you have to wake up each day ready to crush it, and instead, stay committed to your ambitions. This is where you will finally evolve. 

Here are my top 10 tips for staying consistent toward your wellness goals.

  1. COMMIT. You don’t have to wait for motivation to get started. Use your WHY to fuel your start, and make a commitment to yourself. Procrastination will get you nowhere. Are you training for a family 5k? Are you wanting to feel comfortable in your own skin again? Are you looking to be the change in your family regarding disease prevention? Use your WHY and just go for it!

  2. HAVE A PLAN IN PLACE. Full body wellness is always going to trump any fad diet or quick fix. Sure, fat loss or disease prevention are great goals, but how do you get there? Do your research and find a program that is sustainable long term. Deprivation diets or strenuous workouts day after day can leave you in worse than when you started. We want to keep the momentum and not resort back to old habits due to restrictions. Forward steps only!

  3. ENJOY THE PROCESS. Find fun in it all. What do you enjoy and how can you build that into your plan? Some enjoy cardio (the other 99% of us don’t though 😉) but maybe kickboxing or yoga is your thing. Whatever it is, keep it short and effective that way it can easily be added to your day. This is also a good way to step out of your comfort zone and try new things! Everyone was a beginner at one point. Try something new!

  4. GET INTO A ROUTINE. For example, wake up and set your intentions even before you check your phone. Plan your workouts for the same time each day and remind yourself that you can do it… because you can!

  5. STOP MAKING EXCUSES, AND FOCUS. Constant distractions throughout the day can lead to excuses. If you find yourself wishing you would have put that check next to a workout or task, ask yourself WHY you didn’t? You have to lose your excuses if you want to succeed. Overcoming distractions and setbacks is so rewarding, and that reward is going to help you push through!

  6. STOP BEING AFRAID TO FAIL. Wellness is not an all-or-nothing journey. Some days life will get the best of you, and that meal prep won’t always happen. That’s okay. I repeat, it is okay to fail sometimes! Staying committed to your journey takes a hell of a lot of mental strength and it will not happen overnight. So stop being afraid to fail. There is so much beauty in the journey, even the failures. Especially once you see that your hard work paid off. Give yourself grace and learn from those struggles, and grow!

  7. CELEBRATE NON-SCALE VICTORIES. The scale will let you down every damn time. It’s a number that we have been taught to fixate on. It is not an accurate measure of progress as it does not indicate true health. It is simply a number that will never define how badass you truly are. Instead, focus on small wins instead of overwhelming yourself with only the potential results. Wins, aka accomplishments, like drinking 8oz more water than you did yesterday or that you noticed your face looks clearer after just one week of going dairy-free. Or maybe the 6 pushups you did in today’s workout that you weren’t able to do 2 weeks ago. These wins lead to big changes so celebrate them!

  8. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS. Your progress, your story, and your journey will never look like anyone else’s, nor will your body. Stop wishing you looked like someone else because it can steal so many beautiful moments. Your journey is all yours, and that is priceless. You have the potential to be your own success story, and you may even be inspiring others around you without you even noticing. So be you and only you!

  9. FIND YOUR TRIBE. Accountability partners are so underrated in my opinion. Look in your circle or your online community for those who are like-minded and clap for each other. Express your goals and let them hold you accountable, too. A simple text of encouragement or an open ear when you are feeling in a rut is life-changing. 

  10. KEEP YOUR ASPIRATIONS HIGH. Imagine how you would feel or what your life would look like if you accomplished your goal. Stop dwelling on where you are now, and think of where you’ll go if this time—you don’t quit. Do this often! Picture your doctor’s face when he excitedly tells you that you no longer need blood pressure medication, or how you’ll feel when you chase your little one up the stairs without feeling winded. Or how you’ll feel rocking that bikini and giving zero efs about being a size 0 because you are glowing with newfound confidence. Set these daily intentions to include living and feeling your best and keep reaching for that next goal. Then take it one step at a time. You’ll find new challenges, struggles, and rewards along the way which makes all of the sweat and effort so valuable and purposeful.

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