Back to School Wellness Reset!

Something about all 3 headed to school just hits different this year! As summer winds down and the back-to-school season ramps up, it's the perfect time to recommit to our wellness routines. The carefree days of summer bring so much fun, but they can also take us away from our normal health routines! As we transition into the school year and fall, let's chat about getting back to basics, not only for ourselves but for our families too!

1. Whole Food Nutrition:

While we all likely indulged in some delish summer treats, it's time to shift our focus back to more nourishing meals. As you prepare for back-to-school, plan wholesome lunches and snacks for your family. Try to add in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. By planning meals ahead filled with whole food nutrition, you're supporting your children's cognitive function and energy levels, helping to set them up for a successful school year.

2. Encouraging Quality Sleep:

Quality sleep is a pillar of overall wellness, especially during the school year. Establish consistent bedtime routines for your children, ensuring they get enough sleep each night. Adequate rest improves focus, memory, and mood, setting the stage for academic success. Prioritize your own sleep too, as well-rested parents are better equipped to handle the demands of busy school days.

3. Daily Movement

Physical activity is crucial for both children and adults. Encourage your family to engage in regular exercise. It could be a family walk, bike ride, or after school sports for the kids. Physical activity not only keeps everyone fit but also supports mental health, reduces stress and makes everyone feel better overall.

4. Mindful Scheduling:

Transitioning from a relaxed summer schedule to a more structured school routine can be challenging for the entire family. However, structured days can be an opportunity to teach time management. Encourage your kids to manage their time effectively by scheduling time for homework, extracurricular activities, and downtime to chill together.

As the school year begins, this is the PERFECT time for a wellness reset for the entire family. By prioritizing whole food nutrition, good sleep, regular exercise, and mindful scheduling, you're setting your family up for a successful, healthy school year. This back-to-school wellness reset will not only benefit your family now but will instill healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Looking for a healthy meal plan that your whole family will love? Grab one below!