Finding Food Freedom

Learning to enjoy memories over macros is the best thing that could have ever happened to me!

Enjoy the donuts.

Diet culture and food rules make us obsessed with food.

Today I want to dive into a topic that I am SO passionate about. Finding food freedom and quieting the overwhelming, negative, asshole voice inside our heads is so damn important and I don’t think people talk about it enough! Have you ever said:

“I’m so tired of worrying about food all of the time, but I’m afraid of what will happen if I’m not actively trying to control what I eat.”

“I feel so defeated when I step on the scale every morning and, despite doing everything right, the needle doesn’t budge.”

“I think I must be addicted to food. I’m good all day and then, when nighttime rolls around, I just lose control. I can’t stop myself from eating everything in the cabinets.”

Hear me out babes. The food culture we have created as a society is total shit. If you were a part of the 90’s diet fads like Slimfast, Atkins, Special K, 30 lbs in 30 days with some magic pill, then you know just what I am talking about. The list goes on and on and it has caused us to look at food and the way we consume it in the most awful way. Not only are we surrounded by foods we have been told for years we “shouldn’t eat”, we are also constantly trying to go through our days in a state of food restriction. Add all of this up, and it is a recipe for feeling out of control around food AND feeling guilty about what we eat. 

If you have experienced this or are currently living your life this way, I want you to know it is NOT your fault! We have been brainwashed into looking at food as good vs. bad, and we don’t have the tools to educate ourselves to get out of this cycle! I didn’t have clarity on what TRUE health and food freedom was until I was 30. I promised myself from that time forward I would make it my mission and goal to help women know that they don’t have to live their lives feeling restricted, guilty and “bad” about food for even one more day.  

First and foremost, let’s  talk about WHY food rules and diet culture is an issue. 

Diet culture and food rules make us obsessed with food.

When we are operating from a position of restriction, our brains which are wired for survival, activate those survival mechanisms that encourage us to seek out food. Food actually becomes more appealing and tastier, which is part of what makes it so difficult to resist. It’s not that you don’t have the  willpower, it’s that biology is far more powerful than your willpower. 

  • We want to eat the “bad” stuff more when we believe it to be forbidden. It’s our inner rebel (we all have one). You know that saying, forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest? It’s true. We want the things we perceive we cannot or should not have. When we label foods as “bad” and in turn try to banish them from our lives, our desire for them only grows. The first step in changing this cycle is reframing how we view food and moving away from assigning it morality. The second step is no longer making any foods forbidden.

  • We find ourselves operating in extremes. When we  “break the rules” and the guilt sets in, we tend to adopt the “f*ck it, I already blew it” mentality. We end up going from one extreme (restriction) to another extreme (excess). The one donut turns into an entire weekend of pizza, wine, french fries, guilt, and shame. It’s a vicious cycle!

  • The result is often a slower metabolism. When you are “doing everything right” and the scale isn’t budging, that’s your brain saying, “uh oh, she’s not getting enough fuel to sustain life, better slow down that metabolism and stop wasting so much energy.” The reality is, we have far less control over our weight than our diet-obsessed culture would lead us to believe. So, if the scale isn’t budging despite your calorie-restricted diet, it’s often a sign that your body is in survival mode and working hard to protect you, not that you aren’t working hard enough.

So have you figured it out yet? The problem here isn’t you! It isn’t a lack of willpower. It isn’t that you don’t care about your health. You my friend, are wired for survival, and we could argue that really isn’t a problem at all! Your brain is very committed to keeping you alive (thank you brain!), and diets and food rules are perceived as a threat to survival by your badass brain. Your inability to stick to a diet and your body’s resistance to lose weight, is evidence that your brain is doing its job.

The diet, health, and wellness industries are worth trillions of dollars — they profit by making consumers believe they're not OK the way they are. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could ditch dieting for good, not have losing weight be your sole purpose in life, fully enjoy eating AND not have food and diet culture messages control your life?  I am here to tell you a little secret-YOU can absolutely be that woman who has found food freedom!!  When you move out  of the cycle that you have been in for years, it creates more joy and less stress, which contributes to better overall health and well-being. That is what I want you to find in the FASTer Way!

I want you to be educated. I want you to know dieting doesn't work and can actually make you gain weight and develop disordered eating habits. When we are educated on why food freedom is important and HOW you can lose weight without restriction, you will  NEVER unlearn that!! Helping you find food freedom and a life filled with joy is my passion, and while it may sound cheesy, it has become my life’s purpose. 

Together we will work on loving ourselves through the journey, figuring out the triggers that cause the all or nothing mentality, and find support from this incredible community and myself. My goal is to help you navigate the path to the destination you’ve always known you wanted to find, but haven’t had the tools to arrive at yet! 

The FASTer Way is different because we want BETTER things for you. We want you to change your mindset around food, and I want you to feel confident in the knowledge that you will never have to diet again. If youre ready for true food freedom, my next round of the FASTer Way is officially OPEN!! Enroll ehre