So Many Options, So Little Long Term Success
There are so many different types of diets that we research as we try to navigate our health and wellness goals.
Believe me when I tell you that I have tried them ALL! From Weight Watchers to Keto to Whole 30 to SlimFast in the early 2000’s (What was I thinking?!).
I can say with confidence that there is NOTHING you will find that is more sustainable and truly lifestyle changing than the FASTer Way. I wanted to explore a few of the “popular” diets in the current diet culture cycle and give you comparisons to consider as you are thinking about how you want to approach your health and wellness goals.
Most of us know the basic ideas behind the keto diet.You increase your fat, you are allowed VERY low carbohydrates, and you eat a high amount of protein. Your body turns into a fat burner when you enter ketosis, but it is incredibly difficult to maintain long term. There is no room for an apple when you want it, or a piece of cake at your birthday, or even a glass of wine! A sustained low carb/high fat lifestyle can also be very hard on our hormones and research shows it also can contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Eek!
The FASTer Way achieves many of the same fat-burning benefits as the Keto diet, but without the heavy restrictions and risks. Both lifestyles offer incredible benefits such as: reduced insulin levels, decreased insulin resistance, better body composition and accelerated fat loss. But the FASTer Way offers a sustainable lifestyle that’s easy to maintain at home, on vacation and even when eating out. Long-term restriction of carbs can lower the metabolic rate and negatively impact hormones. Carb cycling removes that risk and allows for planned high-carb days that increase thyroid output and help control hunger. Many people see initial success with the keto diet, but can’t sustain the lifestyle. The FW lifestyle is easy to maintain, therefore, so are the results. Bottom line: We leverage the benefits of keto, but offer a healthier, sustainable approach to fat loss.
Whole 30 is an eating plan, not a fat loss plan. Many benefits can be seen from eating this way, but the overwhelming feedback from our FASTer Way clients who have tried both eating strategies is that the Whole 30 plan is too restrictive (and expensive) to maintain. It supports a whole-food lifestyle, with which we agree, but it is difficult for people to maintain its rigid requirements. It doesn’t allow for whole grains, beans or natural sweeteners like maple syrup or honey. Bottom Line: the FASTer Way is the ideal program to transition from Whole 30 to a sustainable whole-food lifestyle.
Weight Watchers
Oh I could go on and on about Weight Watchers, but one of the main focuses of the program is weekly weigh-ins (or daily if you prefer). If you have been following me at all, you know that I PREACH to throw away your damn scale! Weighing yourself at the beginning of the FASTer Way is a tool we use to determine your initial macro setup, but then we don’t look at it again. The average adult’s weight can fluctuate 5-6 pounds throughout the day due to factors like when you eat, exercise, how much water you drink, your sleep, and your cycle! Relying on the scale as your only measurement for success sets you up for failure, and I believe finding our self worth in a freaking number is BULL S#!&!!!! Ok off my soapbox! Bottom Line: The FASTer Way measures our success in so many ways, and while weight loss is of course important, we find even more value in your increased energy levels, less bloating, less brain fog, a strong mindset and inches lost along the way!
I don’t even know where to begin with this one!! Optavia recommends 800-1000 calories a day on their plan. I will say it again just in case you didn’t catch it the first time…..1000. Calories. A. DAY!!! TODDLERS need 1200 calories a day friends. You are starving yourself on this plan to lose weight which will absolutely be gained back. Because tell me what adult can live on a 1000 calories a day long term?! Optavia also has you eating packaged, processed junk for food that is full of inflammatory ingredients that are not only wreaking havoc on your gut health, but that “food” is terrible for you, and it costs a small fortune!! Bottom Line: Optavia is a quick fix diet that leaves you feeling deprived, while eating prepackaged, processed junk. The FASTer Way teaches you how to eat whole, healthy foods, and removes all the processed junk in your daily diet! All while FUELING your body so you can thrive!
Ask yourself?
I know that you will find benefits in any program that helps you lose weight, but my question to you is this. Can you live your life to the fullest every day, following these other plans?
What makes the FASTer Way different is its lifelong sustainability. We don’t ask you to give up entire food groups to find success. We don’t ask you to find your worth by what the scale tells you. I want you to live your life full of joy, while getting healthy, preventing disease and celebrating all of life’s wins along the way!