Why Choose The FASTer Way

As we come to the end of one year and head into the next, I know there are many of us thinking about our health goals. We look back at the year behind us and what went well, and then we make a plan for the year ahead. I am not a big New Years Resolutions girl, but I am ALL about setting goals and working towards the best version of myself.

I talk with women daily about how they are feeling about themselves, what goals they have, and what programs they have done in the past that just didn’t work long term. See that’s the real issue. These quick fix, calorie counting, food restricting diets just don’t work. The results come fast at first, but that’s because you’ve cut EVERY SINGLE CARB out of your diet. Then a vacation comes up, you eat carbs (because they are amazing and delicious!) and all of a sudden you’ve gained back all the weight you had lost and feel like you are back to square one.

let’s be real-Restrictive diets JUST DON’T WORK. You can’t cut an entire food group out of your diet and expect to be able to sustain that type of lifestyle. You can’t restrict your calories to 800 calories a day, eat packaged food and expect to feel good and full of energy. A toddler needs 1200 calories a day, girlfriend!

I know there is SO much noise around diet culture these days. So instead of comparing some of the diets out there(which i did here), I am going to tell you today why you should choose The FASTer Way.

The questions I pose to all of my potential clients is this:

Is what you are doing sustainable for the rest of your life? Can you live eating this way forever? Can you feed your children what you are using as fuel for yourself? Can you live your life without thinking about food and what you are “allowed” to eat?

If you answered no to these questions, girlfriend you aren’t going to see long term success. These quick fix diets, aren’t made to go the distance. The FASTer Way is different. We incorporate intermittent fasting, macro tracking, movement and mindset to ensure your success for the LONG TERM.

I teach you what to eat and when. And believe me when I tell you that you won’t be hungry! You will be fueling your body with healthy whole food nutrition. You will use quick, effective workouts to build muscle, and see body composition changes. You WILL shift your entire mindset around food. There is no “good or bad” food any more. We aren’t going to use the scale to identify our self worth any longer! I teach you how to approach your wellness journey with grace, focus and accountability. I cheer you on every step of the way.

I give you the tools to find time in your extremely busy every day life, to implement this new lifestyle. One that gives you a freedom like you’ve never felt before. You can say yes to pizza on Friday night with your family, knowing that you are living a lifestyle that allows you to enjoy a glass of wine and still meet your goals.

The FASTer Way gave me an entirely new outlook on my health and wellness journey. I no longer punish myself for a weekend of indulgence with my husband by doing 2 hours of cardio when we get back. Instead I focus on the time I am spending with him, knowing I have the tools to get right back to fueling my body well and taking care of me when we get home. It’s so freeing to not worry about EVERY SINGLE THING I EAT. I want this for YOU. I want you to stop worrying about how you look in your bathing suit at the pool. I want you to be confident as hell when you put on that little black dress. I want you to love yourself again.

My next round of the FASTer Way starts soon. We are already setting goals, cleaning out our cupboards, using meal plans and getting ready to SLAY the New Year. I want you to join us! There is truly no better time than the fresh start of a new year.

Babe, Can you imagine where you will be in 6 months if you say yes today?!