How to Shift Your Mindset

How to Shift Your Mindset; Beliefs; Growth Mindset; Woman sitting at Beach:

Mindset. It’s a popular word and idea thrown around these days. But what does it really mean? 

Let’s start with the definition of mindset: “a mental attitude or inclination”. Do you notice the definition doesn’t have a positive or negative connotation? That part is up to us as individuals. We are the ONLY ones in control of our mindset. Let that sink in for a minute. 

YOU control your mindset. Not your circumstances, not your job, not the bad day you just had, not your family stress. Just YOU. If you are like me when I first started learning more about the power of my mind, I wasn’t sure how to shift my mindset or even why I should.

It is very easy to get stuck in the negative when life is busy or things just aren’t going your way. Try this trick- when you feel like you “have to do something” change your thought to “I get to do this”. Example: Change “I HAVE to workout” to “I GET to workout and it is a privilege that some don’t have”. 


This is the first small step in shifting your mindset. Start looking for the positives instead of always seeing the negative first. As you make this shift, watch your attitude towards all things in life change. I believe that our happiness and success is tied to our mindset in all areas of our life. Our successes, our relationships, and most importantly our relationship with ourselves. 

Some say that inner voice in our head has a lot to do with our mindset and I agree. Do you remember the saying whether you think you can or you can’t you're right? This is SO very relevant to the FASTer Way and how I coach each and every one of my amazing clients. Stop doubting yourself, stop telling yourself that you can’t achieve a goal, stop the negative inner voice telling you that you will “never be healthy and fit”. That type of mindset has NO place here. Instead, tell yourself “I can do this”. “I can take small steps daily to achieve my goal”. “I can be strong and healthy”. These positive thoughts and affirmations daily, will help you shift your mindset.

This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments, everyone can change and grow through application and experience.” Carol Dweck-Author 

Another area many struggle with when it comes to shifting their mindset is a fixed vs. growth mindset. We can all get discouraged when we don’t know how to do something or think that a task is too difficult. We get stuck in the trap of saying that our situation is unchangeable. We believe we know all we can know about a topic or life situation, and nothing can change. That is a FIXED MINDSET. A growth mindset is quite the opposite.  Carol Dweck author of Mindset, says….

When you enter a mindset, you enter a new world. In one world—the world of fixed traits—success is about proving you’re smart or talented. Validating yourself. In the other—the world of changing qualities—it’s about stretching yourself to learn something new. Developing yourself. In one world, failure is about having a setback. Getting a bad grade. Losing a tournament. Getting fired. Getting rejected. It means you’re not smart or talented. In the other world, failure is about not growing. Not reaching for the things you value. It means you’re not fulfilling your potential. In one world, effort is a bad thing. It, like failure, means you’re not smart or talented. If you were, you wouldn’t need effort. In the other world, effort is what makes you smart or talented. You have a choice. Mindsets are just beliefs. They’re powerful beliefs, but they’re just something in your mind, and you can change your mind “


The end of this quote says it all. We all have the power to change our minds. I know personally, that what I believe I can achieve. When I shifted my mindset to one of growth and abundance, amazing things started happening all around me.  Start saying this to yourself daily-What I believe, I achieve. Begin shifting to a GROWTH MINDSET.

This benefits ALL aspects of your life, not just the singular task you are focused on. Changing your mindset doesn’t happen overnight, but if you work at it each day, becoming more aware of your inner voice, taking one small step at a time you will get there! If you want to dive deeper, I highly recommend Mindset-The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, Atomic Habits by James Clear, and Winning by Tim Grover.