Mother's Day and The FASTer WAY

I had spent most of my life yo-yo dieting, restricting my carbs and my calories, and starving. My weight and body image were holding me back from doing the things I loved like swimming with my kids and I didn’t even realize it. Maybe you don’t realize it?  I was so caught up in the number, in the mirror, and how I thought I needed to look, thin and toned in order to be happy. 

Looking back, I realized the unhealthy image I had of myself was stealing moments from happiness, from events, from photos, from intimacy, and from the full joy of being a mother. I wasn't fully present, and worried about how I looked. It wasn’t until I had my second baby that I needed more for myself and more for my kids. 

I wanted freedom. I wanted to have a cupcake at my kids’ birthday parties and not feel like I need hours on the treadmill the next day to burn it off. 

I wanted to be a role model. I knew that my daughter needed someone showing her that it’s okay to eat the dang bagel and not just a salad! 

I wanted to live a life I LOVED and knew I couldn't pour from an empty cup. This was the life that I knew I deserved but didn’t know how to get. The life that I know we all deserve, but I was truly struggling with not punishing myself for having the wine, the pizza, or the cake on my birthday. 

I was done. I was tired of searching for the newest trend, killing myself with cardio, and depriving myself of… LIFE. I was ready for more. I deserved more. My husband deserved more, and so did my babies.

I became a client of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss in the fall of 2018 and I had finally found the solution to my heartache. A science-based approach to nutrition and longevity. Three babies and three years later, I have food and scale freedom. I make memories without guilt, I enjoy an ice cream cone with my kids, and live a life I truly love. You can read more about my journey here

mom with kids

As a Mom, you don't have time to figure out a new diet while being the housekeeper, kid chauffeur, and home chief. Let's talk about HOW this works for you!


Number 1: It is CONVENIENT!  Listen, you are busy, running kids to activities, filling your days with work, changing diapers, feeding kids 25 snacks, and fixing them meals they don’t want to eat-ha! One of my favorite parts about the FASTer Way is it fits into the life you are already living. With quick and effective workouts (under 30 mins!), straight forward recipes, meal plans in the app along with the 7 day meal plans that I share, there is no reason why this lifestyle won’t work for you too!  


Number 2: It is REALISTIC. Life gets chaotic. You can plan ahead and have the best intentions but sometimes life throws us a curveball. There are nights we need to grab fast food and that is OK! (download my fast food guide here if you need ideas!) The FASTer way helps you say goodbye to meal prep (and the nasty containers) and gives you the tips to grab drive thru on a Tuesday with the kids.


Number 3: It is SUSTAINABLE. This is no longer a 90 day elimination diet, quick fix, or starve yourself skinny solution. FASTer way gives you tools to create a lifestyle change beyond just what you eat. It will give you the confidence to say goodbye to dieting, and to live the life you want to live. 


If you are willing to die for your kids, are you willing to show them a healthy lifestyle? I'm not talking about mom eating a salad on pizza night. I’m talking about mom eating pizza with her kids, and enjoying it GUILT FREE. Join me for this Mom focused round to finally celebrate your kids, and feel fulfilled in your wellness goals!

We are coming up on Mother’s Day, and I have a present for YOU!! I am thrilled to be offering a discount on my upcoming round of the FASTer Way to all the amazing moms in my community! Click the button below and use the code FITMOM for $50 off my May 9th Round.