I know you’re busy...
I can’t tell you how many times in a day I get messages that say, “I just don’t have time to be healthy” or “I’m so exhausted I don’t have the energy to meal plan or to get in a workout” or “I work full time, and then any free time I have goes to my family”.
Girlfriend, I feel you. Hell, I am you.
I know it can be difficult to prioritize ourselves, when EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING else needs us. However, I can tell you from experience that when we aren’t taking care of ourselves, when we are pouring from an empty cup, it is nearly impossible to navigate all of life’s stress. In fact, I would go as far as to say that everything in life becomes MORE stressful when we put ourselves last.
Because I know that we ALL struggle with finding the time to prioritize our health, I wanted to share some of my favorite tips and tricks to commit to a healthier version of you, while in the midst of work chaos, family busyness and life itself!
Let’s break it down, ok?
The first thing we need to shift is our mindset. If we have a negative mindset, what we want to achieve is much less likely to come to fruition. It has been said that mindset is 80% of our success-it is the driving force behind how we approach all things in business, health, family and life! The dictionary says Mindset is a mental attitude or inclination. Did you notice that it doesn’t say the words positive or negative? That part is up to us. Do we want our mental attitude to be one of positivity, or the opposite? I know my answer!
I know it’s so easy to use the excuse that we don’t have time to eat healthy or workout. But I’d be willing to bet that if you look at the amount of screen time you spent on social media or Pinterest, it would add up to at least 30 mins a day. Do you know what you can accomplish in 30 minutes a day?! The first and obvious answer is a workout-head out for a walk and get some vitamin D over your lunch break, that’s a double win! Exercise is known to be a mood booster as it can help to reduce anxiety, depression and a negative mood. I know I always come back with a clearer head and a little more patience after a walk! You could also prep a batch of overnight oats for breakfast for the week or work on a meal plan to set yourself up for success. Taking that extra 30 minutes to be intentional about your health everyday can be a game changer!
Overnight Oats
I just found this recipe and it is AMAZING! So easy to throw together at night and a quick, filling snack on the go! Click HERE for recipe.
Small changes add up over time, and I promise you it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach to bettering your health. You have to have a positive mindset shift, the desire to take care of yourself, and the commitment to your plan to do so.
Another major pain point I hear quite often is “ I don’t have time to eat healthy”. Girl, you DO. Start small by bringing healthy snacks with you so you don’t reach for fast food, or the office potluck because you are starving. I like to bring nuts, dried fruit, Chomps Beef Sticks, Rx Bars, Nut Butter Packets, cut up veggies and hummus, tuna packets (in a protein emergency-ha), rice cakes, popcorn, and fruits like apples or bananas! All of these are simple to grab and healthy options when you are in a hurry!
My favorite way to set myself up for success in the busy week ahead is to meat prep. Yes you heard me, MEAT prep, not to be confused with MEAL prep. I like to cook up a bunch of chicken, ground turkey, and lean ground beef on Sunday to use throughout the week. I keep bagged salad on hand, quick-cook rice (like the pop in the microwave for 90 seconds, kind of rice), and I have a meal I can throw together in LESS THAN 5 MINUTES. There is literally no room for excuses, it’s that simple. If you know you are going to be late with obligations from work, or kid activities, start a healthy crockpot meal before you leave the house. Does it take a little planning? Yes, but it saves you when you get home and have a healthy dinner for you and your family. Win, win in my book!
Easy Weekly Dinner
This is a staple in our house! Easy to through over rice or eat alone and the whole fam loves it. Grab the recipe here!
Life is full of choices, some difficult, some easy, and some that take strength and courage to say yes to. Saying yes to the FASTer Way changed my life 3 years ago in COUNTLESS ways. I now have food and scale freedom, more energy, better sleep, more patience for my kids, and a career I am so damn passionate about. I can’t promise it will be easy, but I can say without a doubt, the hard work is worth it.
Make sure you are following me on Instagram. I am always sharing my quick tips and tricks to make living healthy simple and sustainable! I would love to help you on your wellness journey, if you have been wanting to join the FASTer Way! Click here for my next round starting February 14th. I have an amazing discount for all of my hard working women and mamas! XO