Traveling: just the tips
Let’s talk all things vacation and travel today, babes! First and foremost- If you are on a wellness journey and your program doesn’t allow you to ENJOY your vacation, makes you obsess over food, gives you guilt and anxiety for having an ice cream cone with your kids at Disney, or drinks with your friends at the pool, YOU ARE FOLLOWING THE WRONG PROGRAM! The sustainability of the program and how you can adapt when on vacation is what makes the FASTer Way a lifestyle you can follow forever.
I want to give you some guidance to enjoy your vacation GUILT FREE, and full of FUN.
Focus on what you can control: I know when I am on vacation, we like to go out when we feel like it, and don’t usually have a set plan! Who knows what is going to be served for breakfast, or what my friends are grilling for dinner, am I right? So I make it a priority to focus on Intermittent Fasting and Hydration. Ok let’s break this down…..
Intermittent Fasting is an easy way to stay on track. NOW if your family is going to an amazing breakfast- you better believe I want you breaking your fast early and enjoying every bit of that meal! That being said, if most of the time you are traveling you can get in 12, 14, or 16 hour fasting windows that is AMAZING!
HYDRATION!!! I am yelling so EVERYONE can hear me-haha. When we are eating and drinking more, we often feel more bloated. Hitting that water goal daily helps to flush out toxins and reduce bloating! It also helps me to mix in a water after I’ve had my 4th cocktail-kidding, not kidding!
Now let’s chat about food and tracking macros and NOT FEELING GUILTY. One of the best parts about the FASTer Way is that we focus on progress NOT perfection. When you go on vacation, I want you to enjoy meals with your family or drinks around the pool and not feel one ounce of guilt. Life is to be lived and if your program doesn’t allow for that, I am sorry to say it but you are in the wrong program babe.
Track if you want to or don’t. Yep, I said it. This is the time where you can eat intuitively. If you are obsessing over tracking the potato salad at your friend's house and every ingredient in it, tracking is no longer a useful tool. Start by focusing on whole food nutrition when you can, and make sure there is always a protein on your plate (I suggest doubling up on protein to get it all in!). Then girl just eat the damn chips and salsa or your favorite cookie. Maybe don’t eat the whole basket or plate full because it will likely upset your stomach, but enjoy some of what you love. Depriving yourself is a recipe for disaster, and often leads to binging on food. That can turn into a cycle we’ve all been in and one we don’t want to be a part of again.
Eat big, whole food nutrition packed meals when you can. Grab the grilled chicken breast, some rice and a salad full of veggies. Get a smoothie or acai bowl at the local spot and add some protein powder in to bump up your protein macro! You will feel good, and full longer when you are consuming more protein!
Don’t feel guilty! You have heard me say this a hundred times but I am going to say it again. You aren’t going to derail your progress from one meal or a bowl of ice cream just like you certainly aren’t getting a six pack by eating a salad or two. ENJOY yourself, make healthy choices when you can, and then when you get home…..just get back to it and keep going!
While you are on vacay, I highly suggest moving your body when you can! It doesn’t have to be a big workout in the hotel gym (although I do love a good hotel gym sesh!). It can be as simple as a walk on the beach, or a quick circuit in your hotel room with strength bands, or a hike with the family. Moving your body and getting your sweat on, releases toxins from the day before (like the 3 tequila soda’s I may have had-ha) and gives you energy for the day ahead!
If you take one thing away from this blog post, please let it be this. Life is to be lived and memories need to be made. You’ve heard me say “memories over macros” and I truly mean that. I know that when my children are older they aren’t going to remember that their mom was disciplined all vacation and tracked her macros. They are going to remember the ice cream we shared at the pool, and the time I spent swimming with them, not hiding behind my towel because I didn’t want to be in a bathing suit. Don’t rob yourself of enjoying every moment with family and friends on vacation. Keep your mindset positive. If fasting feels right….do it! If your daily workout brings you energy and makes you feel good, like it does for me……move your body! If pizza and beer at your favorite restaurant is where Friday night’s reservation is…….ENJOY it (and throw in a salad to get in some greens)! This lifestyle is one that is meant to be lived forever, and I truly hope I am helping you find and use the tools to live a life of joy, health and food freedom!!