Why Core Work is So Much More Than a Six Pack!
It is hard to believe that we are in the month of MARCH, and quickly heading to summer! If you didn’t see my swimsuit haul blog, be sure to check it out here. So many cute and affordable options under $50!
OK let’s get to why you are visiting the blog today! It is inevitable that we think of our core when we are trying on swimsuits, but I want to shift away from how our tummies look in swimsuits, to why it's so important to have core strength as we age and journey through motherhood.
Our core strength is so critical to our overall wellness and full body strength. It’s amazing how connected our core is to the rest of our body! I want to share with you a few reasons why I believe focusing on strengthening our core is so important!
Core work trains the muscles in our abdomen, lower back, pelvis and hips which helps our lower body work together. Training all of these areas together is so important in overall strength and to prevent back injury. When you are lifting weights to strengthen your back, you better believe having a strong core prevents injuries and strains.
Core work helps with balance and stability. Have you ever tried to stand on a bosu trainer? In order to balance on one of those bad boys your core has to be ENGAGED and strong. Give it a try, and let me know how it goes. My first time I ended up on the floor. HA!
Core work helps maintain good posture. As we age our bodies have a tendency to slowly lose the straightness of our spine, from bone compression and osteoporosis. This can lead to poor posture. Per Health.com , strengthening your core muscles with activities like pilates, yoga or weight training will help to prevent this from occurring!
Core work makes daily activities like walking, sitting, yard work, desk work and carrying babies around easier and more sustainable. When our core is strong it supports all areas of our daily lives. That lower back ache we have after a long day of activity or carrying our kids around is often due to a lack of core strength. Having a strong core gives power to the body in almost every activity!
When you have a strong core going into childbirth and motherhood, it helps with the intensity of labor pains and aids in recovery from childbirth at a quicker rate per lifestylemedicalcenters.com Raise your hand if you want to recover with ease after having our babes?! I know I do!
Now, I know we all want to talk about some of the best exercises to build core strength and stability, and I promise we will get there. However, one of the KEY components, if not the most important aspect of helping build a strong core is…..wait for it……did you figure it out yet? YOUR NUTRITION! You absolutely cannot out exercise a bad diet. I always tell you abs are made in the kitchen, and it's just the cold, hard truth. If we are fueling our bodies with processed crap, not enough protein, or the wrong ratio of macros, we won’t see the results we desire. I am sorry to be the bearer of that news if you thought you could do 100 crunches a day and see results!
As you start to incorporate core work into your exercise routine, I want you to keep the nutrition component at the front of your mind. Can you do that for me? If you are struggling with that component of your wellness journey, you know I’m your girl to help you shift your mindset around nutrition and how you fuel your body! My next round of the FASTer Way is starting soon, and I’d love to have you join our tribe!
I want to share some of my favorite exercises to help strengthen and tone your core. As a reminder, I am not a doctor or a personal trainer, so make sure you check in with your provider before starting any new program! If you are pregnant, have back issues or just prefer to do core moves standing up I have included options for that as well!
The Basic Crunch
This move is a classic that targets the abs. Start lying flat on your mat with your knees bent and feet on the mat. Place your hands at the base of your head with your elbows out. This helps to support your neck. Using your abs bring your head and shoulders off the mat and come up into a crunch, then slowly lower back down, engaging your core on the way down as well!
The fan favorite - A PLANK
There are many variations of this move. The basic is done as follows:
Begin in the plank position, face down with your forearms and toes on the floor. Your elbows are directly under your shoulders, and your head is in a neutral position looking down at the floor. Be sure you aren’t looking up as this will throw off your plank alignment. Engage your core for stability, drawing your belly button up towards your spine. Be sure to stay in a neutral position, not letting your hips come up (this is not a downward dog-ha!) or letting your back curve down towards the mat either. Think of a cup of coffee sitting on your upper back, you don’t want to let it spill! Keeping your back in a neutral and stable position will ensure the correct form for this core exercise! You can start by holding your plank for 15 seconds, working your way up from there. You can always modify by coming down onto your knees as well.
Bicycle Crunches
This is a variation of the classic crunch, that also works your deep abs and obliques (the muscles that run down the sides of your tummy!).
Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground, focusing on trying to have zero space between your lower back and the floor. This will get your deep abs engaged. Place your hands behind your head, then raise your knees toward your chest until your shins are parallel to the floor. Engage your abs and lift the right side of your upper body off the floor to move your right elbow towards your left knee. When you reach the top, pause for a moment, squeezing your abs and obliques. Then switch sides, repeating in a bicycling motion!
If you prefer to do the move standing, you can! Stand with both feet planted shoulder width apart. Engage your core and lift your right knee up and twist to bring your left elbow towards your right knee. Switch sides, and repeat!
Deep belly breathing
This core work is often overlooked and many don’t realize just how effective it is! Start standing up and inhale deeply filling your belly with air. You can place your hand on your abs to feel the air expanding. Then as you slowly exhale, tighten and pull in your tummy to engage the deep transverse abdominals. This type of core work is very intentional and can be used when you are stressed or overwhelmed to promote slow and steady breathing as well.
I hope you found value in learning more about strengthening your core, and the reasons why it is so important for your overall health!